Okinawan Karate Shorin Ryu Vol 2 by Eihachi Ota

Okinawan Karate Shorin Ryu Vol 2 by Eihachi Ota

Shorin Ryu is one of the world's major Karate styles. Created and developed by Okinawan masters, this style mixes the traditions and experiences of the ancient art with a modern approach to self-defense. In this work, Master Ota shows key traditional kata and bunkai. Some of the traditional Shorin Ryu forms have never been analyzed this way before. This video series is more than a how-to manual; it explores the history and philosophy behind this dynamic and practical method of karate-do. Containing hundreds of applications for all the forms of the Shorin Ryu system, this series will be a valuable reference for anyone seeking to learn and understand not only the principles and techniques of Shorin Ryu, but also the cultural essence of Okinawan Karate.
Chapters include: Ananku, Naihanchi Shodan, Nindan & Sandan

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Okinawan Karate Shorin Ryu Vol 2 by Eihachi Ota