Titles Available for Purchase

  • The Art of Aikido 9 Vol Series with Kensho Furuya

    1 video  |   Buy $79.99

    Volume 1: Remembering the Founder of Aikido and Doshu• General Introduction to Aikido Techniques • The Principles of Entering and Turning • Keiko-Gi–The Practice Uniform • The Meaning of Practice.

    Volume 2: Basic Techniques • Throwing and Joint Techniques • The 5 Controls: Ikkyo, Nikyo, Sankyo, ...

  • Best Defense 5 Vol Series with Erik Paulson

    5 videos  |   Buy $49.99

    Erik Paulson is one of the most versatile and well-rounded teachers and fighters in martial arts today. He is not just someone who tells people how to train and fight, he speaks from experience and has taught, trained and fought all over the world. The Shooto World Light Heavyweight Champion for ...

  • Muay Thai Boxing 4 Vol Series Vut Kamnark

    4 videos  |   Buy $39.99

    Muay Thai is the national sport of Thailand and one of the most feared ring sports in the world! Champion boxer and instructor, Vut Kamnark has been training since he was 8 years old and currently teaches and promotes matches around the world.

    Vol 1: This video will get you ready to learn the ri...

  • Kalasag Kuntao Silat 4 Vol Series Roberto Torres

    4 videos  |   Buy $39.99

    Kuntao is a punishing art, characterized by tearing and breaking. It is totally combat oriented and is so effective, it's practice is banned in modern day Indonesia. Roberto Torres' style of Kalasag Kuntao Silat is based on three systems: Petjut Kilat Silat, Visitacion Kuntao and Wu Kung Kuntao. ...