Kali Larga Mano System by Maruicio Maltese

Kali Larga Mano System by Maruicio Maltese

Larga Mano simply means long-distance combat, a method that teaches you to stay away from your opponent and hurt him without even entering the hand-to-hand distance. In a way, the Filipino people were ahead of the times, perhaps because, little conditioned by their traditions, they suffered many invasions and, frequently, their habits and customs were altered. But they knew how to turn their misfortune into advantage, and they learned to absorb and integrate everything that could be useful and increase effectiveness. Their Martial Arts are an excellent example of this. Philippine Arts masters did not pose the problem of remaining tied to such or such custom, but without hesitation, integrated into their own systems personal experiences of Karate or Japanese Judo, Western Boxing, Silat of neighboring Indonesia and the ancient traditions linked to Scrima, the art of self-defense perfected in the Italian peninsula.

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Kali Larga Mano System by Maruicio Maltese