Combative Breathing: Breathing for BJJ

Combative Breathing: Breathing for BJJ

In this video series BJJ black belt and internal martial arts practitioner Bjorn Friedrich demonstrates his Combative Breathing System which can help you dealing with the physical and emotional stress that happens during a fight or self defense situation.

Stay calm under pressure and develop more endurance, relaxation and the ability to improvise and adapt in the chaos of a real fight. You will learn the 10 principles of breathing and many solo drills that will help you to change the way you breathe, move and fight.

This series contains:

The 10 principles of breathing
Exercises on the ground
Training with a dummy
Standing exercises
Breathing under pressure
Emotional breathing
Cold water training
Vol. 1

Intro – How my System works
The 10 Basic Breathing Principles
Principle No. 1 Diaphragmatic Breathing (Full Belly Breathing)
Principle No. 2 Continuous Breathing
Principle No. 3 The three Levels of Breathing
Principle No. 4 Breathing Intensity & Speed
Principle No. 5 Smooth Breathing
Vol. 2

Principle No. 6 Focus on Exhalation
Principle No. 7 Lead with your Breath
Principle No. 8 Combine Movement and Breathing
Principle No. 9 Breath dictates the Pace
Principle No. 10 Focus your Mind on Breathing
Groundwork – The seven Rolls
Vol. 3

Exercises with a Grappling Dummy / Heavy Bag
Standing Breathing Exercises
How to breath in static / isometric Situations (6 exercises)
Breathing for emotional release
What cold water can teach you about breathing

Combative Breathing: Breathing for BJJ