BJJ Conditioning with the Vacirca Brothers

BJJ Conditioning with the Vacirca Brothers

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has caused a revolution in the concepts of combat. It is a way of facing up to the fight, its concepts and, of course, its training methods have come to set a new model for all those who are interested in real combat. Demetrio as well as his brother Franco have trained with the best masters of "Soft Art", Rickson, Behring, the Machado, etc...and he has learned to integrate his training system with his knowledge of yoga. Masters like Rickson have it totally integrated in their training program, along with other specific exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles which enables them to do specific Jiu Jitsu tasks when working on the floor. Lots of these exercises form a harmonic combination that make formula for obtaining a healthy and balanced body, defenitely a perfect body to get the best results in the training of Martial Arts.

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BJJ Conditioning with the Vacirca Brothers